
Numahop supports 2 mehtod of installation:

  • Dockerised solution.
  • Normal installation.

Before the installation process, clone the git repository and cd into it:

git clone numahop && cd numahop

If you don't have maven installed you can run this command:

chmod +x mvnw

And use ./mvnw instead of mvn.

Docker Installation.

The Dockerised solution is easier to get running. More of the installation is automatized.


Please check you have these packages installed before the installation.

maven (optional)

In order to launch a local docker build of Numahop you can run the command:

# Using the makefile.
make setup-docker
make build-all

# Running the commands directly
docker build -t numahop-run src/main/docker --target run
mvn clean compile -Pdocker # Optionaly add: -Dfast=true

The -Dfast=true enables a maven profile wich disables tests and checks for faster compilation. If you have errors originating from these checks you can either try to format the code that fails or just use the flag to disable the check.

After this you should be able to find an image named numahop in your local docker instance.

You can run this instance localy by running:

# Using the makefile
make all-up
# Running the commands directly
docker compose -p numahop -f env/main/docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
docker compose -p numahop -f run/main/docker/docker-compose.yml up -d

If you connect to localhost:8080 you should see the login prompt of NumaHOP.

TODO: Document how to change the configuration for the docker instance.

Normal Installation.


Now use your package manager to install the necessary dependencies to numahop:

mariadb > 10.*
elasticsearch > 8.*
libyaz4j (optional)

The libyaz4j dependency is only used by the Z39.50 search queries. If you don't need the Z39.50 queries you can skip this dependency.


Then you can run the compilation command for numahop:

mvn package # Optionaly add: -Dfast=true

If you have errors during compilation run mvn -Dfast=true package. It disables all exections non needed to build numahop such as tests, code analysis and formating. Once the compilation succeds a file ./target/numahop-<semver>.war should be present in the directory. Move this file at this path: /opt/pgcn/numahop.war. The name of the war is not important but its location is. Once that is done we can run NumaHOP. It should launch and crash rather quickly.


Now we will create an empty database and a user for numahop. run this suite of commands remplacing the placeholders (db-name, db-user-name and db-user-pwd) for your setup:


You should be greeted by this command prompt:

MariaDB [(none)]>

Let's create the database:


Then the user NumaHOP will use to connect to the database:

CREATE USER '<db-user-name>'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY <db-user-pwd>;
GRANT CREATE, ALTER, DROP, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, INDEX, DELETE ON '<db-name>'.* TO '<db-user-name>'@localhost;

Note these are the minimal rights the numahop user needs to edit the database.

You can verify that all the information is well defined by running SHOW DATABASES; and SHOW GRANTS FOR '<db-user-name>'@localhost. NumaHOP uses an orm with a changelog and will automatically create all the tables it needs for you.

Just install elastic search and folow this documentation. And make sure it is accessible from where you want to install numahop either by localhost or an url.

Mail Server (Optional)

NumaHOP needs a smtp mail server for sending emails. It expects it on the port 25 on localhost without auth and security by default. If you want to use a distant server or change the default settings see in the config chapter.

Numahop Config

See how to configure numahop here. After this configuration step you should have an instance that launches successfully.

If you want to manage Numahop using systemd.

Create the file /etc/systemd/system/numahop.service with the content:


ExecStart=/opt/pgcn/numahop.war # for activating certain profiles
User=numahop # The user to use 


Then use:

systemctl daemon-reload # After adding/modifying the file
systemctl start numahop # For starting numahop
systemctl stop numahop # For stoping numahop

If you don't have root privileges you can instead create the file ~/.config/systemd/user/numahop.service with the content:


ExecStart=/opt/pgcn/numahop.war # for activating centrain profiles.


And instead use:

systemctl --user daemon-reload # After adding/modifying the file
systemctl --user start numahop # For starting numahop
systemctl --user stop numahop # For stoping numahop

If everything worked correctly you can access the numahop graphical interface by connecting to your server. You can now go to the Post-Installation chapter.