
We’ll assume Omeka S is served by Apache on a Debian system.

Install IIPImage

Install IIPImage using the debian package:

apt-get install iipimage-server

Disable the Apache module, we won’t use it:

a2dismod iipsrv
systemctl restart apache2.service

Configure IIPImage

Create /etc/default/iipsrv with the following contents:


Replace <yourhost> by the hostname of your Omeka S installation

Replace <path_to_pyramid_images> by the absolute path of the directory that contain your pyramid image files. You can use PyramidImageBuilder to create these files.

If you use PyramidImageBuilder, pyramid images will be located in <OMEKA_PATH>/files/pyramid/.


The trailing slash in FILESYSTEM_PREFIX is important!

Once the configuration file is ready, restart IIPImage:

systemctl restart iipsrv.service

Configure Apache to proxy requests to IIPImage

Enable Apache modules proxy and proxy_fcgi:

a2enmod proxy proxy_fcgi

In Apache’s <VirtualHost> for Omeka S (probably located in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/), add the following lines:

ProxyPass "/iiif" "fcgi://localhost:9000/"
ProxyPassReverse "/iiif" "fcgi://localhost:9000/"

Then restart Apache:

systemctl restart apache2.service

Configure OctopusViewer

In the module configuration, change IIIF Image URI template to:


This assumes the pyramid image files are named after the Omeka S media storage ID, which is what PyramidImageBuilder does. If your images are named differently, modify the URI template accordingly.