We’ll assume Omeka S is served by Apache on a Debian system.
Install IIPImage
Install IIPImage using the debian package:
apt-get install iipimage-server
Disable the Apache module, we won’t use it:
a2dismod iipsrv
systemctl restart apache2.service
Configure IIPImage
Create /etc/default/iipsrv
with the following contents:
Replace <yourhost>
by the hostname of your Omeka S installation
Replace <path_to_pyramid_images>
by the absolute path of the directory that
contain your pyramid image files. You can use PyramidImageBuilder to create
these files.
If you use PyramidImageBuilder, pyramid images will be located in
The trailing slash in FILESYSTEM_PREFIX is important!
Once the configuration file is ready, restart IIPImage:
systemctl restart iipsrv.service
Configure Apache to proxy requests to IIPImage
Enable Apache modules proxy
and proxy_fcgi
a2enmod proxy proxy_fcgi
In Apache’s <VirtualHost>
for Omeka S (probably located in
), add the following lines:
ProxyPass "/iiif" "fcgi://localhost:9000/"
ProxyPassReverse "/iiif" "fcgi://localhost:9000/"
Then restart Apache:
systemctl restart apache2.service
Configure OctopusViewer
In the module configuration, change IIIF Image URI template to:
This assumes the pyramid image files are named after the Omeka S media storage ID, which is what PyramidImageBuilder does. If your images are named differently, modify the URI template accordingly.